sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

este algoritmo es hecho por mi en visual basic 6.0  crea una clase que devuelve las silabas de una palabra y el numero de ellas. luego mas abajo explico como utilizar el codigo.

Ej:   e-jem-plo    3 silabas

' Kelcom11@hotmail.com

Private P As String
Private Sil As Collection

Enum TipoVocalX
    Ninguna = 0
    Cerrada = -1
    Abierta = 1
End Enum

Public Property Let Palabra(Palabra As String)

P = Palabra

End Property

Public Property Get Silabas() As Integer
Silabas = Sil.Count
End Property

Public Property Get Tipo() As String

Dim n As Integer
Dim T As String

T = ""
n = Sil.Count

If n > 0 Then
    Select Case n
     Case 1: T = "Monosilaba"
     Case 2: T = "bisilaba"
     Case 3: T = "Trisilaba"
     Case Else: T = "Polisilaba"
    End Select
End If

Tipo = T

End Property

Public Property Get Silaba(Indice As Integer) As String

Dim n As Integer
Dim S As String

S = ""
n = Sil.Count

If Indice >= 1 And Indice <= n Then S = Sil((n - Indice) + 1)

Silaba = S

End Property

Public Function tieneTilde(C As String) As Boolean

   Dim V As Boolean

    V = True
    C = LCase(C)
    Select Case C
     Case "á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú":
     Case Else: V = False
    End Select
 tieneTilde = V

End Function

Public Function Vocal(C As String) As Boolean

   Dim V As Boolean
    V = True
    C = LCase(C)
    Select Case C
     Case "a", "á", "e", "é", "i", "í", "o", "ó", "u", "ú", "ü":
     Case Else: V = False
    End Select

 Vocal = V

End Function

Public Function TipoVocal(C As String) As TipoVocalX

 Dim V As TipoVocalX

 V = Ninguna

 If Vocal(C) Then

    V = Cerrada
    C = LCase(C)
    Select Case C
     Case "i", "í", "u", "ú", "ü":
     Case Else: V = Abierta
    End Select

  End If
 TipoVocal = V

End Function

Private Function Letra(C As String) As Boolean

   Dim L As Boolean
   L = False
   C = LCase(C)
   If (C >= "a" And C <= "z" Or C = "ñ") Or _
      (C = "á" Or C = "é" Or C = "í" Or C = "ó" Or C = "ú" Or C = "ü") Then L = True
   Letra = L

End Function

Private Function Comb(C As String) As Boolean

   Dim Cmb As Boolean
   Cmb = True

   C = LCase(C)

   Select Case C
    Case "bl", "br":
    Case "cl", "cr":
    Case "dl", "dr":
    Case "fl", "fr":
    Case "gl", "gr":
    Case "pl", "pr":
    Case "tl", "tr":
    Case "kl", "kr":
    Case "ll", "rr", "ch", "qu"
    Case Else: Cmb = False
   End Select

 Comb = Cmb

End Function

Private Function Silabear() As Boolean

 Dim i As Integer, V As Integer, L As Integer
 Dim C As String, Sig As String, Cmb As String, S As String
 Dim T As Boolean, Vc As Boolean, Vs As Boolean, Va As Boolean
 Dim Tvs As TipoVocalX, Tvc As TipoVocalX, Tva As TipoVocalX

 V = 0:  S = "":  a = "":  Sig = "":  L = Len(P):   P = Trim(P):  Va = False

Frm.textSeg.Text = ""

 If P <> "" Then

         For i = L To 1 Step -1
                T = False
                C = Mid(P, i, 1)
                Vc = Vocal(C):    Vs = Vocal(Sig)
                Tvc = TipoVocal(C):  Tvs = TipoVocal(Sig)
                Cmb = C + Sig
                If (Vc And Not Vs) Then V = V + 1
                If (V > 1 And Not Vs) Then
                    T = True
                ElseIf (Not Vc And Not Vs And Not Comb(Cmb)) And (V = 1 And i > 1) Then
                    T = True
                ElseIf (Tvc = Abierta And Tvs = Abierta) Or _
                       (Tvc = Cerrada And tieneTilde(C) And Vs) Or _
                       (Tvc = Abierta And (Tvs = Cerrada And tieneTilde(Sig))) Or _
                       ((Vc And Vs) And (C = Sig)) Then
                     T = True:  V = V + 1
                End If

                If T = True Then
                  Sil.Add S:   S = C:    V = V - 1
                  S = C + S
                End If
                Sig = C
        Sil.Add S

  Silabear = False
 End If

 Silabear = True

End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

P = ""
Set Sil = New Collection

End Sub


1. crear un modulo de clase .cls nombrarlo palabra y pegar el codigo anterior
2. cree un formulario con un textbox y un label llamados ( txt y lbl respectivamente )
3.en el metodo change() del texbox pegar el siguiente codigo:

Private Sub Txt_Change()
Dim P As New Palabra
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer
Dim S As String
P.Palabra = Txt
n = P.Silabas
  S = "Silabas:     "
  For i = 1 To n
     S = S + P.Silaba(i)
     If i <> n Then S = S & " - "
  Next i
  S = S & vbCrLf & "Silabas:     " & n & vbCrLf & " Tipo:         " & P.Tipo
  Lbl = S

End Sub